(ground shipping only)
No, you can also place an order as a guest. But, there are some perks if you have an account with us:
- Quick checkout process
- Receive updates detailing our new releases and special promotions
We accept all major credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX) and PayPal payments. We also can accept Venmo.
When purchasing online using your credit card, all of your information is entered into a SSL secure web page. Your information is then SSL-encrypted and sent directly to our credit card provider’s network, where your card and transaction is authorized and approved. Your credit card information is not stored on our servers.
Please be advised that your shipping address cannot be revised after the order has been processed or shipped. Kindly update your shipping address to your residential address instead of your vacational address as we do not know how long the destination’s customs department will have the package on hold.
All shipping speed is different, especially in the holidays season. If we ship from our USA warehouse to the USA address will take up to 2~7 days. If we ship from the worldwide warehouse to the USA address may take 1~3 weeks. We will post the approximate shipping speed if the product is shipping from a different country.
Normal Speed:
We try to provide the fastest shipping option, 2~3 days (Ground shipping). Sometimes, our system does not update the tracking information quicker than the delivery time. If you don’t receive your product in over 5 days from your order date, please feel free to contact us and request us to update the tracking information. We will manually update the information for you.
If something is still missing, please contact us immediately. Use the form below